The academic staff has grown both in numbers and developed their career aspirations. To date out of the 13 academic staff, 9 have PhDs, with 3 at Associate Professor level and 1 at Senior Lecturer level as indicated below:

 Dr Mulebeke Robert (Head of Department): A senior lecturer with a PhD in Dryland Resource Management (UoN, Kenya), Post-Grad. Diploma, Groundwater Exploration, Water Resources Exploitation and Conservation (HUJI, Israel), Cert. Project Monitoring and Evaluation (MAK, Uganda), M Sc. Soil Science (MAK, Uganda), BEd. Agriculture (MAK, Uganda), and Dip. Ed. (Secondary) (ITEK, Uganda). He has specific expertise in teaching, research and community outreach in such disciplines like; Soil and Water Resource Management, Agriculture Education and Vocational Studies. He has ably worked with and given leadership to multidisciplinary and multicultural teams on cross-cutting assignments which require a high level of creativity, self-initiative, self-supervision, and commitment to accomplishing tasks on time. He has severally participated in Project Monitoring and Evaluation assignments in both the public and the private sector in Uganda and abroad. Dr. Mulebeke is particularly interested in improving agricultural production and productivity through efficient soil and water management technologies. The most recent research areas include; Water use efficiency in cropping systems in the drylands of Eastern Uganda, Modeling soil loss in cropping systems of Uganda’s Lake Victoria basin, Climate change mitigation technologies in crop-livestock systems, Assessing the capacity of smallholder farmers to respond to market price incentives, Results Impact Management Study (RIMS) of Community Agricultural Infrastructure, Improvement Programme in Uganda.

Contact: Tel. +256-772-517024, e-mail: or

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Bua Bosco (Ph.D): Is an Associate Professor with a Ph.D in Crop Sciences of Makerere University, Master of Science in Crop Science of Makerere University and a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture of Makerere University.

 William Faustine Epeju (Ph. D): Is an associate Professor in section of Agriculture Economics, Education and Extension. He holds a Certificate in Vocational Pedagogy of Akershus University College, Oslo, Norway, PhD in Agricultural Education of Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya, Certificate in Qualitative Research Methodology of Berlin, Germany, Certificate in Agricultural Leadership of Thessaloniki, Greece, Certificate in Agricultural Education of Fribourg, Switzerland,  Master of Science in  Agricultural Education of  West Virginia University, Morgantown, USA, Post Graduate Diploma in Education in  Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda,  Bachelor of Science in  Agriculture of Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda. He has over twenty years’ experience in leadership, supervision and examination of graduate research both within and out Kyambogo University, over forty years of teaching in various institutions of Higher learning. For over ten years, Associate Prof. Epeju has been an External Examiner in various Institutions of Higher Learning. Also, he has conducted various studies including:

Contact: Tel: (+256) 774 160118,  E-mail:

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 Kato Habib (Ph.D): Is an Associate Professor  who graduated with a B. Sc. (Agric.) with Educ. in 1975 at Makerere University, Uganda. He served as a secondary school Agriculture teacher; 1975 – 1976 and as a lecturer in Agriculture; 1977 – 1986 in the National Teachers College, Kyambogo, Uganda, which later became the Institute of Teacher Education, Kyambogo in 1987. He obtained his M. Sc. (Agric.) of Makerere University in 1985. He became Senior Lecturer and Dean, Faculty of Vocational Studies in the Institute. The Institute in a merger with two other colleges, Uganda Polytechnic Kyambogo and Uganda National Institute of Special Education became Kyambogo University in 2003. Dr. Kato obtained his Ph. D. of Makerere University in 2005. Dr. Kato has published several articles in peer-reviewed journals including International Journal of Vocational Education and Training. At the university Dr. Kato was Dean, Faculty of Vocational Studies from 1987 to 2009. As Dean of the Faculty, he headed the NOMA Masters in Vocational Pedagogy (MVP) Project and was instrumental in the development of the Masters and Post Graduate Diploma programs in Vocational Pedagogy. Dr. Kato obtained Associate Professorship in 2010.  His research publications include among others:

Contact: Tel. +256783045401, e-mail:

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Dan Makosa (Ph.D): Holds a Ph.D in Agricultural Economics (Tokyo University of Agriculture, Japan); MSc Agricultural Economics (Tokyo University of Agriculture, Japan); BSc Agriculture (Makerere University). He has extensive experience in teaching Agricultural Economics and related courses such as Agricultural and Development Economics; Agricultural Marketing and Cooperatives; and Agricultural Development and Policy Design. He also possesses skills in Monitoring and Evaluation acquired through previous work and consulting with different development organizations and academic institutions.  In the previous 6 years, Dr Makosa has been engaged in applied research aimed at addressing the challenges facing smallholder farmers. The main area of his research has been agricultural marketing under the research theme “Developing the Rice Markets in Uganda: A Value Chain Analysis”. He has looked at policies affecting rice markets, constraints and opportunities in rice value chains, how to enhance the rice quality for improved competitiveness, among others resulting into four publications in peer-reviewed journals. He has a Professional Certificate in International Development from the Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (Tokyo, Japan); Advanced Certificate in Climate Change and Food Security from the Institute for Advanced Study of Sustainability of United Nations University (Tokyo, Japan); and a General Certificate in Intellectual Properties from the World Intellectual Property Organization Academy (Geneva, Switzerland). Currently, he is coordinating a project on the viability of integrated chicken-fish production system where he is the principal investigator. Dr Makosa is assessing the economic viability while the co-researcher is looking at the biological perspective. The project is funded by Kyambogo University competitive research grant scheme.

Contact: Tel. +256755619986, e-mail:

 Venansio Tumuhaise (PhD): Holds a PhD in Entomology from University of Nairobi, Kenya. His research interest is in the field of Agricultural Entomology and Insect Pathology. He advocates for development and utilization of microbial biopesticides as a major component of Integrated Pest Management Systems. Conventionally, farmers opt for synthetic pesticides whenever confronted with pest challenges mainly because of their quick action. However, these products have negative effects on human health, non-target organisms such as pollinators, predators, and the environment at large. Although there is consensus globally that microbial bio-pesticides are a largely safer alternative, they have remained unpopular especially in the developing world.

Contact: Tel. +256783844673, e-mail: or

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Collins Richard Kaweesi (Ph.D): has a PhD in Agricultural Economics (Justus Liebig University – Giessen, Germany); MSc. Agricultural Sciences, Food Security & Natural Resource Management in Tropics and Sub-Tropics. (University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany),  BSc. Horticulture (Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania).

In the previous 10 years, Dr. Kaweesi has been engaged in applied research and agricultural projects and training including;  designing and leading the Garlic Value Chain Analysis in the Rwenzori region of Uganda to identify major Constraints and Opportunities; and to provide Government, Industry Stakeholders and other Partners with an operational, action-oriented diagnosis of the Rwenzori Region Garlic value chain and sub-sector, pointing out the implications of its structure on profitability, and on income to the rural smallholder producers. Further to this, he was part of the team that developed A Practical Training Curriculum for the Floriculture Sector in Uganda, named The Practical Floriculture Training (PFT) Program.

This program conducts training of Commercial and Private Flower Farm Managers and Employees of Commercial Farms in Uganda in different Business and Farm Management aspects in order to equip them with skills to improve their performance. He facilitated practical courses in Applied Farm Business Management and Economics, Farm Trials, Irrigation, Fertigation, Floriculture Trade, Markets & Consumer Trends. He has also been involved in the evaluation of the Practical Floriculture Training (PFT) Program after Training.

Dr Kaweesi continues to support Jalamba Organic Processors and Training Centre (JOP) by leading the Apple Banana and Pineapple Value Chain Development in Mpigi District in identify major Constraints and Opportunities in these chains; improving value chain coordination and value addition, post-harvest handling and marketing support  and leading the process of improving production of Apple Bananas and pineapples as well linking farmers to processors and input providers in order to fill the missing actor gap in the area which JOP operates.

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MS Namugwanya Margaret: Is a Ph. D student in soil science of Makerere University sponsored by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda.  She holds a Master of Science in Natural Resource Management and Sustainable Agriculture from the Agricultural University of Norway, Bachelor of Science in Forestry from Makerere University.  She has a three years’ experience in lobbying and advocating for policies that  improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers, over ten years’ involvement in supervision of students’ research and teaching various agricultural courses that include but not limited to Agricultural Ecology, Soil Microbiology, Agroforestry,  Organic Agriculture and Research Methods. She has over three years of reviewing and co-editing of manuscripts submitted to African crop Science Journal housed in College of agricultural and environmental sciences.  Margaret has also built up capabilities in conducting research in field of natural resource use and management, climate change, soil and plant nutrition.

Conant: Tel. +256-704-282821, e-mail: or

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Mrs. Irene Tamubula Bulenzibuto: Is a  PhD fellow in Agricultural and Rural Innovation, MAK. she has a Masters in Agricultural and Resource Economics, UNE, Graduate Diploma, Resource Economics, UNE, Bachelor of Education, MAK, Diploma in Education, MAK. Irene has twenty-six years’ experience in teaching agricultural economics and teacher training. I am skilled in teachers’ education by distance learning through face-to-face as well as e-learning modes of delivery. she has developed agriculture curricula for Primary, Secondary and Tertiary levels of education in Uganda. My special interest is in the use of ICT in communication for teaching and rural development.  she is also an advocate and trainer of mindset change and soft skills for development. Research has done: Cost-benefit analysis of agroforestry systems. Currently, she is working on Videos in agricultural extension and knowledge management among organic pineapple farmers. She is interested in conducting research in the fields communication, rural development and agricultural projects management.

Contact: +256772620129 (mobile), e-mail: or

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 Mr. Kabugo Stephen:  Is a PhD Fellow in the School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Resources, Makerere University, with a Master of Science in Animal Science of Makerere University, Bachelor of Vocational Studies in Agriculture with Education of Kyambogo University, Dip.  in Livestock of PTC+ Barneveld college, Netherlands, Dip. in Environment of Makerere Institute of Environment Science/Ed,  National Certificate  of  Arapai Agricultural College. Stephen has over one year of Agricultural extension with Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries at Kira Sub County-Wakiso District, four years’ experience as an Assist. Farm Manager/ Practical Coordinator and over eight years’ experience in supervision of students’’ research and teaching Agricultural Zoology, Pig and Poultry production, Animal Nutrition, Livestock Behavior, Management and Welfare, Small Ruminant Production, Animal health and hygiene, Farm structures,  and Introduction to Animal Husbandry. He also has amassed experiences in conducting research in fields of smallholder multi-livestock production systems, Potential and safety of animal waste as feeds in a chicken-pig-fish model system for improved production utilisation of brewers’ yeast as a substitute for fish meal in diets of growing pigs among others.

His research work consist of ‘Characterization of smallholder multi-livestock production systems in Lake Victoria crescent of Central Uganda’, 2017-18, ‘Utilization of non-conventional animal waste as feed resources by smallholder multi-livestock farmers in Central Uganda’, 2018, ‘Characterization of smallholder multi-livestock production systems in Lake Victoria crescent of Central Uganda’, 2017-18, Non-conventional by-products as feed supplements in diets of livestock. ‘A case study  of Brewer’s yeast from Ugandan Beer Breweries’ 2007-2013, Improvement of Kyambogo University Pig Farm from 2000-2004, Effect of House Floor Systems on the Prevalence of Gut Helminthes in Layer Chicken, Dry season feeding and Nutritional supplementation for ruminant animals in dry areas   Masindi District, Indigenous micro-organism (IMO) units for pigs and poultry at Kyambogo University, Facilitation for Uganda National Farmers’ Federation (UNFFE) on pig nutrition and breeding in Mukono, Wakiso and Kayunga District; culminating to research publication and presentations on conferences.

Contact: Tel. +256-776-658625/+256-752-658625, email: or

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Ms. Racheal Ninsiima: Is a Graduate Fellow, currently pursuing a Master of Science in Agriculture and Rural Development of Uganda Christian University-Mukono. Her MSc. programme is sponsored by the Regional Universities Forum (RUFORUM). She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Vocational Studies in Agriculture with Education of Kyambogo University. Racheal has conducted research on the “Contribution of Cattle Production to Smallholder Farmers’ Livelihoods”. Her career development is in the field of Agricultural Economics, currently focusing on the Influence of Group Guarantee Loans on smallholder farmers’ livelihoods. She has held numerous positions in teaching, agriculture advisory services provision, and Microfinance management with sufficient skills and exposure in ICT, Sustainable Agriculture and Safe Pesticide Handling and Application.

Contacts: E-mail:

 Mr Mudingotto P. Joshua: Is a Ph.D student at Makerere University. He has a Master of Science in Crop Science of Makerere University, Bachelors’ Degree in Education, Agriculture of Makerere University and Diploma in Education of Institute of Teacher Education, Kyambogo (ITEK)

 Mr. Ankunda Emmanuel: Is a Graduate Fellow, currently pursuing a Master of Science in Animal Science of Makerere University, funded by the Regional Universities Forum (RUFORUM). He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Vocational Studies in Agriculture with Education of Kyambogo University. Emmanuel is currently working on Mubende Goat Breeding under Community Based Goat Breeding Program. He has over two years’ experience in teaching Reproductive Physiology, Small Ruminants Production, Pig and Poultry Production.


David Agole (Ph.D): Holds a PhD in Agriculture and Extension Education and International Agriculture and Development of PennState University, Master of Science in Agriculture Extension and Extension of Makerere University, Bachelor of Education, Agriculture of Kyambogo University and Diploma in Education of Institute of Teacher Education, Kyambogo (ITEK).

William Tinzaara (Ph.D): holds a B.Sc (Biological Sciences), Postgraduate Diploma in Education and M.Sc (Environmental studies) from Makerere University, and a Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D Entomology) of Wageningen University, The Netherlands. He has experience as a Lecturer of over 15 years and attended several certified courses relevant to his professional career. He is currently working as a Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Vocational studies, Department of Agriculture, Kyambogo University with effect from 1st December 2018. He teaches crop protection (crop pests, diseases and weeds), Applied Entomology, Advanced Biostatistics and research methods, and supervises research project for undergraduates and graduate students.

Prior to joining Kyambogo University, he worked with Bioversity International as a Scientist, specializing in integrated pests and disease management, banana cropping systems. He undertook Research Planning and Management; and involved in Networking and Coordination. Prior to working with Bioversity, he worked as a Research Consultant with International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), and as Research Scientist with the National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO), Uganda. While working with two organizations, he got experience in project initiation, proposal writing, project implementation, monitoring and evaluation, supervision of junior staff and report/paper preparation, in addition to working extensively with different banana stakeholders. He got to experience is current job involves planning, coordinating and supervising regional projects supported under the framework of the Banana Research Network for East and Southern Africa (BARNESA). In addition, he participated in backstopping regional National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) in capacity building for sustainable management of banana pest and diseases. He implemented and supervised projects supported by Big Data of CGIAR, Mcknight Foundation, USAID and World Bank through ASARECA and International Foundation of Sciences (IFS).

Before joining Bioversity International, he was a Lecturer in the Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Kyambogo University. He taught experimental and research methods, Project planning and management, entomology and parasitology. He participated in the development of the University curricula and designing of diploma and degree programmes; and supervised special projects for undergraduates.

During his career of lecturing and research, he has published widely in both local and international refereed journals. He is a reviewer of several international journals (including Journal of applied entomology, Pesticide Science, Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, Open Agriculture and African Journal of Agricultural Research).

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